Watt Posts

Guess Watt? It’s Energy Efficiency Week!


The 8th annual Energy Efficiency Week is all about getting YOU involved in the conversation about how to save energy and money.

If you have a question, now is the time to ask! When you submit your energy efficiency question on TakeChargeNL.ca you will be entered to win a custom energy assessment and $1,000 for energy-efficient upgrades! To qualify, questions must be submitted by 4pm on Friday, October 14, 2016.

Here are some of the questions we’ve received so far:

Q: I have electric heat. Should I leave my thermostats at the same temperature day and night or should I turn them back at bedtime?

A: You should turn back the heat in rooms you don’t use a lot by 3-5°C. And do the same for the main parts of your home when you’re going out for several hours and at night. Turning down the heat can save you hundreds in heating costs and is easy to do!

Q: Can I use a dimmer switch with LED lighting to reduce energy consumption?

A: LED light bulbs are great energy savers! They use at least 75% less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb and last up to 25 times longer. Using a dimmer switch with an LED is a good way to save even more energy. LEDs can work with dimmers. Just make sure to check the packaging of the dimmer switch to ensure it works with LEDS. Some dimmers only work with other types of bulbs.

Keep the questions coming in! And remember, takeCHARGE is always here to help! During Energy Efficiency Week and all year-round, we offer advice and rebate programs to help you save energy and money.