customer service Posts

Avoid potential wait times with self-service options

Avoid potential wait times with self-service options

We’ve got lots of online self-service options to help make your interactions with us more convenient. When you visit our website you can:

Access your billing and payment history
Report a power outage
Set up automatic payments
Get your bill by email
Make a payment arrangement
Register for outage notifications and updates
Report a streetlight that’s not working

What are you WAITING for? Visit today!

Do you belong on our Special Care Customer List?

Do you belong on our Special Care Customer List?

If you have life-sustaining medical equipment that is reliant upon electricity, please register for our Special Care Customer List. If an outage is planned for your area, a member of our Customer Service Team will attempt to contact you so can make important health decisions or alternate arrangements. Visit our website for more information.

A Snapshot of 2015

Annual Report blog bannerThe numbers are in and 2015 was another solid year for our utility operations and customer service.  Here’s a snapshot from Newfoundland Power’s report on operations.

  • We delivered electricity to our customers 99.96% of the time; our reliability measure is twice as good as comparable utilities in Canada.
  • We invested $100 million in the electricity system, with close to 50% dedicated to upgrades – keeping our system safe and reliable.
  • We decreased the number of electricity bills that were estimated by 40% by increasing the number of automated meters at your homes and businesses.
  • Over 1/3 of our customers now receive electronic bills.
  • We launched a new customer blog, and we have over 25,000 followers on Twitter and about 8,000 receiving the Company’s new email/text outage alerts that provide real-time outage information and updates.
  • Our takeCHARGE rebate programs helped more than 6,000 customers save energy in 2015. We also provided over 395,000 at-the-cash rebates on energy efficient products through our retail partners. Since the launch, customers have saved enough to power the Town of Paradise for an entire year.
  • We have kept our operating costs under control at a rate that is below inflation.
  • Through The Power of Life Project, over $400,000 was raised to support  cancer care; and, we reached nearly 100 environmental projects completed through our annual EnviroFest events.

A huge thank you to our 650 employees and more than 260,000 customers.

Check out our full Report on Operations on our website.