awards Posts

Celebrating Leaders in Energy Efficiency

Celebrating Leaders in Energy Efficiency

Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro held their first ever Luminary Awards on October 24, 2018. The takeCHARGE Luminary Awards were created to recognize people, organizations and communities across the province who have taken steps to be more energy efficient.


We would like to congratulate the following winners who were recognized at our inaugural event:

Community Impact Award: Norris Arm Heritage Society

Leadership Award – Individual: Ethel O’Brian

Leadership Award – Individual (Residential): Steve Morey, Clean Air Solutions

Leadership Award – Individual (Commercial): Jeff Browning, Guillevin International

Leadership Award – Organization: Coleman Group of Companies

Leadership Award – Organization: Ingram’s Electrical

Partnership Award: Maurice Tarrant, College of the North Atlantic

Innovation Award: Empowered Homes

Retail Partnership Award:  The Home Depot Canada

The BIG Award: Country Ribbon Inc.

The BIG Award: St. Anthony Seafood’s Ltd. Partnership

“We are committed to helping our customers make wise decisions about their energy use. By following the sound advice of our takeCHARGE energy experts, our customers save millions on their electricity bills every year,” said Gary Murray, Vice President, Customer Operations. “The Luminary Award recipients have shown leadership in promoting and advancing energy efficiency in Newfoundland and Labrador and we appreciate their partnership.”

Check out our press release for more details on the award categories and recipients.

Congratulations to all the 2018 Luminary Award winners!







Employees receive national Lifesaving Award

Employees receive national Lifesaving Award

We couldn’t be prouder of two of our employees, Wayne Baggs and Jim Short, Meter Readers in Corner Brook. On Tuesday, November 15, 2016, Wayne and Jim attended a Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) Safety Symposium in Toronto where they each received a 2015 CEA Lifesaving Award.

This is their story:

 Jim Short and Wayne Baggs were driving east on the TCH about 5 km past Deer Lake when they came across an accident scene.  A vehicle had been travelling west on the TCH when it struck some slush and the driver lost control.  The vehicle did several 360 degree turns before going off the road and ended up upside down in a water filled ditch. The men parked their vehicles and ran to the ditch along with three other drivers who had also stopped.  The driver of the vehicle was trapped inside and the five men decided they had to try to lift the vehicle to allow the driver to escape.  They entered water up to their knees, quickly realizing that meant the driver of the vehicle was upside down and submerged in freezing water which was filling the drivers’ compartment.  The driver was also surrounded by airbags that had just gone off and was in great peril if the men could not lift the car – but they did it, and the driver was able to crawl out.   Had they not been there and lifted the vehicle quickly the driver mostly likely would have drowned. It was noted from the time they stopped until the rescue no other vehicles drove past the accident scene – this truly meant their efforts had made the difference between life or death. 

Congratulations to Wayne Baggs and Jim Short – you are truly heroes!