Happy Energy Efficiency Week and Happy 25th Birthday to Our Insulation Rebate Program!

Happy Energy Efficiency Week and Happy 25th Birthday to Our Insulation Rebate Program!

We’re celebrating the 9th annual Energy Efficiency Week from September 25 to October 1 – and there are lots of reasons to celebrate! 25 years ago we started offering rebates on basement and attic insulation through our Wrap Up for Savings Program. Over 14,000 homeowners have been able to top up their insulation with the help of these rebates. In 2017, these participants will collectively save approximately $4.5 million on their electricity bills.

Insulation made cents in 1992 and it’s just as important today. On average home heating accounts for over half of the electricity used in electrically heated homes. Having enough basement and attic insulation can save you hundreds of dollars every year. If your home was built before 2012, there’s a good chance you need more!

The program name may have changed, but it’s not too late to wrap up for savings. Visit TakeChargeNL.ca for more information on Energy Efficiency Week, tips, rebates and a chance to win an energy efficiency loot bag valued at $250 dollars!